People First Communications People First Communications

From Good to Great: Nonprofit Direct Mail Appeal Review

Who has received a nonprofit donation appeal letter recently?

Here's one I received from Quarriers yesterday.

As someone who helps nonprofits create these, I am always interested to see what organizations come up with.

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People First Communications People First Communications

Celebrating One Year of Putting People First

We did a brave thing.

One year ago, just two months after our wedding, seated on the couch in our cramped one bedroom apartment, my wife and I started People First Communications. For years we had played with the idea of starting a business together. We had no idea it would happen so soon.

As newlyweds, we have experienced a lot of change together. Perhaps the biggest change is that I am writing this from Europe instead of Boise, Idaho where we tied the knot, had promising careers, and were a day's road trip away from nearly all our friends and family.

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